Wednesday, December 10, 2003

THE THINGS WE DO FOR CHARITY. An auction of promises was held at Tommy Doyle's yesterday, the whole event gamely organized by the Caribbean ocean. Over $7,000 raised for charity (a woman's shelter at that) and fun had all around.

We want to know what lucky (read: desperate, well-off and obviously now grinning-from-ear-to-ear) guy bid $275 for a date with 3 women dressed as Charlie's Angels. Also, $605 for a 2 hour study session for *five* people? Now, for one person, we would understand. Some intimate interaction for all your DMD study needs.

There was heckling, there were cheers, there was an opera singer and a certain Katie who got auctioned twice! Can't wait to see what they'll have in store for next year.