Saturday, February 28, 2004

Get yourself to these parties tonight, mix and mingle and send those quotes to us at Overheard tomorrow:

(1) LFM party at Trowbridge and Broadway near Harvard Square in house that is much too beautiful for our boys. But hey, they live there so make full use of it.

(2) Mardi Gras party at Club 141 on Charles. Madness, no space, great mixed drinks and music.

(3) Jeff Brown has an open invite to his place at Worthington Apartments in Cambridge too.

Some of us are staying home under the covers but don't let that stop you. Happy Leap Year!

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mark Kim's choices for karaoke night:
Sk8r Boi by Avril Lavigne
I'm Just A Girl by No Doubt.

'nuff said.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

"You want my nipples? Come and get them."
-Joe N.

"Your idea about the club soda for the red wine really worked."
"I also know a neat trick for candlewax on leather."
"You know, we always knew you were a little freaky."
"Leather shoes, I meant leather shoes!"
-sloanies after a couple of shots at river gods
"Look, unless the client is extremely beautiful, I will never go out with her!"
-Luis Pita on a Tuesday evening

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

"Ok, first of all, if you're going to get your tongue pierced, you shouldn't do it at a rave."
-Lucia Wu

Friday, February 20, 2004

"You have to negotiate when you get your full-time offer. Remember that Fortune article? Men always seem to negotiate more than women."
"That's because men are always negotiating with women."
-Eugene's words of wisdom as Michelle tries to give Elaine advice

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

"You know that we always have to work the word 'naughty' into the conversation when we talk to you."
"The sad thing is there really isn't anything naughty about my real life."
"Well, what about your online life?"
-Y. and R. over dinner at The Helmand
WEDNESDAYS AT THE BEACON HILL PUB. You know the drill. Good luck and godspeed.
Personally, I believe the key to taking over the world is owning the customer.
"So that's why McKinsey people are so happy, they don't live in reality!"
-2nd floor study room

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Hey, with all those second years on the trip you're bound to get lucky.
-5:30 pm at the Tang lobby
TUESDAY NIGHT THIRST-QUENCHERS. From Mandy: Are you sad [honey, we are inconsolable - ed.] that the three-day weekend is almost over? If so, then join us tonight (Tuesday, 2/17) as we all live in denial! Charlie's Kitchen (10 Eliot St. in Harvard Square) is the venue of choice -- as always, we will start off at 9 PM. Be sure to bring your appetites for one of their famous American hamburgers!.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

"Hey buddy, seeing as your lady's away, we should hang out tomorrow, grab drinks..."
"JR, are you asking me out on a date?"
-JR and Kenny 3 am at East Ocean City

Friday, February 13, 2004

"Sometimes I think most of my success in getting a job in the financial industry has to do with three things: the ability to hold my drink, playing Golden Tee and quoting movies."
"What movies did you quote over the summer?"
"Caddyshack and Old School."
-More Canadian C-fxn small talk
"What are those?"*mock incredulousness*
"Hey watch it, these are my love beads."
-Canadian C-function small talk with a certain gentleman back from Brazil

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

BEACON HILL WEDNESDAYS. From the weekly e-mail:
The Beacon Hill Social Club would like to invite you to join us this and every Wednesday at the Beacon Hill Pub. Come enjoy "Boston's Best Dive" with friends and cheap drinks.

People usually start arriving after 10pm. The Beacon Hill Pub is located at 149 Charles St., Boston -- inches from the Charles/MGH T stop. [you'll be glad of the inches as you crawl your way out of the pub after a few rounds. - Ed.]
"When they hear MIT Sloan, some usual reactions have included 'smart as rocket scientists.' and..."
[in whispers]
"This is ridiculous. Why can't they say MIT Sloan - devilishly good-looking?"
"Or how about MIT Sloan - good in bed?"
"Yeah, right - that'll work."
"MIT Sloan - we do our best work between the sheets."
-back conversation at the Town Hall meeting on the MIT Sloan brand

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

KARAOKE IN YOUR BOXERS. For those who want to see Jeff Gerson in his tighty whities. Or for those willing to avert their eyes while he sings onstage but want to go to karaoke night anyway - Tonight, Feb. 10 9 pm at Purple Shamrock (near Faneuil Hall). It's a 1 Union Street, Boston.

In his words:
At the Caribbean Ocean's Charity Auction, I offered to host a karaoke night.

BUT there was more.

If at least 20 people show up and donate $5 each, AND
Any one individual donated $50 at the auction,

I promised to SING IN MY BOXERS!

Thanks to Daniel Alarco (who donated $70 for some reason), I will proudly bear all (well, almost all) and belt out "BORN TO BE WILD" at the top of my lungs. Anyone have a bathrobe I can borrow???

Please join us for a few pints of Guiness and plenty of laughs. The main event will happen around 10:00.

Everyone who attends is asked to donate $5. I'll be collecting the money after I get dressed. It's for charity, remember.
TUESDAY NIGHT THIRST QUENCHERS. See you at Cambridge Common (1667 Mass Ave. between Harvard and Porter Squares). We will be there from 9 PM onward. - Mandy

Saturday, February 07, 2004

1. It's an 8:30 class.
2. The class meets on Fridays.
3. The lecture was distracting me from my crossword puzzles.
4. A bed with soft pillows is much more comfortable than a hard desk at E51.
5. Cases? We have to read cases?
6. Problem sets? We have to do problem sets?
7. I need my three day weekends for skiing.
8. It's a 10:00 class.
9. Need to spend more time at the gym to get in shape for BVI.

And the top ten reason for a second year to drop a class in their last term:
10. "I took one look at the outrageous price of the course pack at CopyTech and decided it wasn't worth it."
BACK IN BOSTON. Welcome to sleet and snow.
"At the rate you're going, you'll still be drunk on Sunday."
-Hester to the birthday boy on Friday night