Wednesday, November 26, 2003

FALL BALL FUN. Take it from me, this was much better than last year. We're waiting for news of high jinks and hookups, in the meantime all we can say is the night was a resounding success. Wish there was a room big enough to hold all the Sloanies that isn't Walker Memorial, but we have to make do.

Some pics to hold you till Tolu gets his website up. Note Mark's "hey, we like to party vibe", Ken Morse living it up with the ladies and the leopard print carpet in the after-party suite.

"Guess what? I finally did my Industrial Econ homework for next week!"
"Industrial Econ homework?"
"Yeah - I've been slacking off so Dalein finally assigned it to me this week and I got it done ahead of time."
"Uh - but there aren't any problem sets due next week."
-- rustling through the syllabus and looking at the problem set --
"Dude, you did last week's homework!"
- the initially triumphant Chris Bell and Mike Ibrahim
The confusion that's part and parcel of life at Sloan

Saturday, November 22, 2003

BREAK OUT THE SEQUINS AND THE DANCING SHOES. If you want to know what your classmates all look like when they're scrubbed and polished, come to the Fall Ball at Hotel Marlowe at 8 o'clock tonight. Yes, it's a boutique hotel in the somewhat industrial part of Cambridge, but we're going for edgy chic here. Heh - bet you thought you'd never see Sloan and edgy chic in the same sentence.

Dancing is definite. Alcohol guaranteed (why else would we have open bar?). You will constantly exclaim - "I never knew my classmates could look this good!". Tickets are sold out but there are always after parties in the suites upstairs to make sure we never get asked back to this hotel again.
Tackle, you call that a fucking tackle?
- a certain normally calm senate member in the heat of the game

Thursday, November 20, 2003

FOOTBALL FUN. Big event for the night - First years vs Second years in intramural football. 8 pm on the turf near the student center, behind kresge. Come to play, come to cheer, come to release all that pent up aggression. (hey we're all MBAs here so we have aggression in spades).

Flag football, no padding required. Trash talking allowed...

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

BHP REVOLT. I think the threshold for cheap beer, bad service and the stale smell of spilt alcohol has finally been reached. E-mail messages have been spreading around for a night of slightly more upscale fun in Beacon Hill. Yes, there are non-dive bars there, we just haven't been visiting them. Amends are going to be made tonight at The Kinsale at 9 pm. Live music in the background but quiet enough for decent conversation.

Details: 2 Center Plaza, top of Beacon Hill, across from Government Center. Take the RedLine to Park then walk a few blocks on Tremont towards Government Center. The Kinsale will be on your left when Tremont runs into Cambridge.

TAKE IT OFF FOR CHARITY. Sloan's been invited to show up in various states of undress at a Harvard Grad School-organized pajama party 9:30 pm to 2 pm at Whiskey Park, 64 Arlington St, Boston. 1 block from the Arlington Green Line T-stop. $10 cover gives you a chance to let your exhibitionist fantasies loose. John Celmins wants to know if you're going, so do shoot him an e-mail if you are.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

TUESDAY NIGHT THIRST QUENCHERS. Choices abound for tonight. Main event at The Asgard on Mass Ave then continue the evening at The Field, also in Central Square. Sloanies don't like making long treks for their alchohol consumption.
LIMOR's NEW BABY. Not a dance move, or a DMD problem set - we welcome Danielle Sinay to the Sloan family! For those who want to see Limor's baby daughter and offer their congratulations, there will be a baby shower this Sunday, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm at the Eastgate penthouse. Limor, living up to her tough mama reputation, took not a single drug during her two hours in labor. Woohoo!

Monday, November 17, 2003


"Do you really want to talk to your classmates that much?"
When JR expressed reluctance at spending Wed. nights in a bar with live music that might be a bit too loud for conversation
SLOANIES ARE AWESOME BARTENDERS. Find out for yourself as Sheen and Mark serve up their special conconctions at The Asgard(350 Mass Ave, Cambridge, corner of Mass and Sidney) this Monday night. They'll be tending bar from 9-12 PM. For you football fans, the Asgard has a TV and 10 cent wings.

Saturday, November 15, 2003

We've been cocooning as of late, therefore we apologize for missing out on two of the Friday night funfests - The Kong with our wayward 2nd year LFM buddies taking a break from their six-month internships, and The Electric Garage party with the debut of the amazing (so we've heard from reliable sources) 2nd year band.

We've also been skipping a lot of classes though when we manage to make it, there are always interesting things we've overheard.

"You have to stimulate fear and greed. These are simple people, very intelligent, but simple."
-Entrepreneur on how to raise money from VC's

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

RUSSIAN REVOLUTION PARTY. In keeping with the socialist themes of this wednesday's post, tonight at Il Panino Club. Make your way to 295 Franklin St., Boston. 9 pm till the wee hours of the morning. Have fun!
WE LOVE NOAM CHOMSKY. In a room so packed that students were sitting on the floor, Noam Chomsky in his rumpled shirt sat on a desk and talked quietly about workers rights, the insistence of the media and the government to pull the collective wool over the public's eyes, and the peril of the mandate of globalism. All this in the middle of a bunch of MBA students who intend to lead corporations to world domination. Lovely.


"Corporations are basically pathological."

"Wealth of Nations is a book that everyone talks about but no one's ever read."

-Noam "My-brain-kicks-butt" Chomsky
There would be more, but they're too deep for this forum and if there's one thing that Overheard isn't, it's deep.
"Damn, that's a big computer."
Long pause.
"Thank you."
-Rahul, then Kenny in the Tang lobby
On large laptops and other matters of size
"Does it have loads of caffeine, or is it just more red?"
Musing on Code Red mountain dew

"By the time you push play, it'd be too late."
On the foolishness of having a soundtrack for getting it on

Thursday, November 06, 2003

AFTER-PARTIES. Having done some major north-end noshing with the Tasting Club-sponsored C-function, some folks are heading out to The Field while others are planning a low-key lounge night at The Enormous Room at 10 pm. Pick your poison, I'm off to NYC on the Chinatown bus.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

"I guess to be useful, it has to be used."
-The wonders of stating the obvious during case discussion in class

Tuesday, November 04, 2003


Carlos and his tongue at the Halloween C-function. 'Nuff said. Have fun in Paris, Carlos!
TUESDAY THIRST QUENCHERS. Stella Choi invites you all tonight to River Gods (125 River Street in Central Square) from 9 pm onwards. That's the best name for a bar I've heard yet...

MORE HALLOWEEN PICTURES. Vadim sends you all to his Ofoto page for more C-Function picture fun. Can I just say, Luis looks quite dashing in his Matrix outfit. Must be the cool shades.

Monday, November 03, 2003

I own the deck!
No, you own the spreadsheet!
How about hitting the low-hanging fruit?
And the 80/20 rule, don't forget.
You have to be able to leverage your infrastructure.
Leverage? I never knew that word could be used in so many ways till I got into consulting.
-a couple of second years at Characters ruminating on the magic that is consultant-speak

You just want to tell that PhD student, stop using those complicated math equations and start talking about synergy.
-positing a hypothetical between McKinsey interviewer and MIT PhD interviewee
Recruiting quotes:
For someone with a career in investment banking and an MBA at MIT Sloan, you sure don't know a lot about statistics.
-a very frank consulting interviewer to amused interviewee

Good luck to all the folks at the McKinsey interviews today!

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Pictures from all the past nights of partying can be found on Tolu's website. Happy surfing!

As promised, it was a night of debauchery at 141 Charles Street last Friday. Most notable was a certain lady in a sheer (very sheer) black dress and nothing else grooving to her own personal soundtrack on the third floor. Other interesting outfits included the playboy bunny couples (though we recommend that future guy playboy bunnies seriously think about shaving their legs), Elle woods with a stuffed Bruiser, and the ever popular I'm-so-hot-I'm-going-shirtless look.

Overheard through the night...

No, I don't want to touch your naked body!
-Josh (in a horrified voice)
A certain 7+ foot tall first year adamantly denying all intentional brush-ups on the very crowded dance floor.

Has anyone seen my tail?
A couple of cats the other night flushed their's down the toilet. Are you sure yours isn't there?
-a black cat and Indiana Jones

What are you supposed to be, a surly Australian?
On the rooftop of 141 Charles, commenting on Nick's very original "costume."

Are you single?
Uhm.... yeah.
I want you to meet my friend, ______.
-The "smoothest" pick-up line ever, in the middle of the dance floor, two partygoers and an understandably mortified friend