Sunday, November 02, 2003

As promised, it was a night of debauchery at 141 Charles Street last Friday. Most notable was a certain lady in a sheer (very sheer) black dress and nothing else grooving to her own personal soundtrack on the third floor. Other interesting outfits included the playboy bunny couples (though we recommend that future guy playboy bunnies seriously think about shaving their legs), Elle woods with a stuffed Bruiser, and the ever popular I'm-so-hot-I'm-going-shirtless look.

Overheard through the night...

No, I don't want to touch your naked body!
-Josh (in a horrified voice)
A certain 7+ foot tall first year adamantly denying all intentional brush-ups on the very crowded dance floor.

Has anyone seen my tail?
A couple of cats the other night flushed their's down the toilet. Are you sure yours isn't there?
-a black cat and Indiana Jones

What are you supposed to be, a surly Australian?
On the rooftop of 141 Charles, commenting on Nick's very original "costume."

Are you single?
Uhm.... yeah.
I want you to meet my friend, ______.
-The "smoothest" pick-up line ever, in the middle of the dance floor, two partygoers and an understandably mortified friend