Wednesday, March 31, 2004

HONDA (B) at the ASGARD on Mass Avenue tonight!

9 pm is when our extremely talented band du jour take the stage and rawk on. Ethan's got a new look - from emo to thrash - and the rest of the boys are aching to play. Come out to party and support the band. What else are you going to do Wed. night, study?

Friday, March 26, 2004

"Golf is like a step-function."
-Harris Rabin, explaining his progress at the sport

Monday, March 15, 2004

See you at The Good Life at Central Square at 6 pm for some low-key fun with our friends from Kellog. Witness the B-school match-up of which city's colder and where the beer is best.
"I'm like a really bad pharma company. A lot of things in the pipeline but nothing ever comes to fruition."
-second year Sloanie on his lovelife, Sunday night

Friday, March 12, 2004

The power of belief
"Entrepreneurs are crazy. Only the severely depressed have a realistic assessment of their abilities."
-Prof. Henderson after Managing Innovation class
"I was looking at the ceiling, the window, hiding my face in my arm. Those things were following me from across the room!"
-male Sloanie on his recent Spanish class

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Quick decision-making
"I decided this morning that I didn't want to take the midterm today. So I dropped the class."
-second year Sloanie
On getting tenure
"At MIT, there's a high turnover in junior faculty. And then eventually the senior faculty die."
-a lecture on incentives from an MIT professor

Monday, March 08, 2004

What they teach you in Marketing
"Other than sex, what else is fun?"
-Prof. Birger Wernerfeldt (aka the German Martin Short) on the club med (a) case in marketing class

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Quotes from the Irish
"I know this sounds a bit strange, but I love your horns."
-Rob Byrne

"Time to get down."
"You know you have a problem when Rob Byrne tells you to get down."
"But I don't do Riverdance."
-Rob, Marcus and Joe Saturday night

Thursday, March 04, 2004

The Innovator's Dilemma
"Sony then decided to sell their transistors to the rebar of humanity. Some people call them teenagers."
-Clay Christensen at a lunch forum

Keeping your margins high
"What are your operating costs at the Home Shopping Network? A piece of velvet. Some defrocked evangelists."
-Rock at advanced corporate fin.

Points of Attraction
"Dalein, without an accent? Yeah, I wouldn't take him home either."
-Jeb at the wed. night BHP

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Two places you can find second years tonight: The Enormous Room in Central Square at 9 and at Derek Flynn's 30th Bday drinks at The Hill Tavern, 228 Cambridge Street.
Investment bankers are funny.

To quote:
As an Investment Banker I can tell you that (long term) third world revolution is just no longer hot. It was a great place to be in the 1950's. I'll give you that. Now it is just a very risky industry with only limited upside. Even Che, brilliant career, where is he now? His face is on thongs that are sold in upscale Soho boutiques. He once hid from capitalist pigs, and now hides behind Seven jeans. Women literally, if inadvertantly, wipe their asses with him everyday. Send me your resume and I'll see what I can do about maybe getting you an internship here at MassiveBank. Your revolution could make a great essay for HBS, and in a few years you find yourself made principal at a Private Equity shop. The buy side Guy. That's where the real action is.

Monday, March 01, 2004

This is what you get when you hang out in Harvard grad school dining halls:
"There's been a lot of vigorous physical activity on our floor."
"What, like jogging?"
"No, vigorous physical activity. There's a whole paragraph in the RA manual about it."
"Vigorous...oh. Oh. They really call it that?"
"Yeah, and Edna* [matronly supervisor of all RA's - ed.] was like, 'After all, it is spring.' "
-two grad student resident assistants
In the classroom
“Sometimes I like it when you yell at me.”
-Professor Antoinette Schoar to Dalein in Entrepreneurial Finance