Thanks to everyone for coming and special shout-outs to Kenny and Julia for all the hard work they put into production, Stella for putting the first year acts on our radar and Sara and Tara for pulling off the miracle of Kresge! Pictures are floating around everywhere so we'd love it if the photographers for the night could upload the files to the U drive to share. Send us links!
Moments of the night:
...Kenny getting busted on by Marcus and Lakshmi.
"Kenny can't please anyone."
"Uhm, Lakshmi, it's everyone. Kenny can't please everyone."
"But it says here in the script, Kenny can't please anyone."
...The audience suddenly getting sentimental at the E52's rendition of Billy Joel's And So It Goes
...JR, Tolu and Sara all getting hosed by first-years' Lia and Elliot
...Schanker as the cell phone guy - hilarious!
..."We are up here today as part of Sloan's commitment to affirmative action." - Marcus and Lakshmi, talent show hosts.
...Kitty Womack, First Year Challenge
...Sloan rappers breaking it down, the dancers: guys with their bling and the girls with their ties and Beyonce moves
..."It's On!"
...Deputy Dawg Paul Osterman pulling a fast one and "rapping" onstage. As for his dialogue, you thought he wouldn't go there, but he did. You gotta love the deputy dean.
...John Chao letting loose with a kick-ass guitar solo on Bridge Over Troubled Water of all things. fact, all the bands with all their damn talent was pretty amazing. You guys were tight!
...and to end the night, a cream pie in Marcus' face from the much maligned Kenny. Woohoo! As you can see from the pictures, they kissed and made up at the after-party.
It was awesome. Actual talent at a Sloan talent show. Who woulda thunk it.

the talent show production team smiling at last ::: the audience goes wild ::: nothing says professional like an upright bass.