ON VACATION. The first semester is over. The drunken revelry has passed. Congratulations to the first years for surviving core. Now all you have to do is survive recruiting season in the Spring. Congratulations to the second years. Only one more semester to go. We expect a lot more high jinks and a lot less responsibility from all of you.
Happy Holidays to everyone. Overheard is taking a holiday break. This being MIT, independent study season is upon us and that means Chile in January. Anything to escape the frigid winter winds.
We ask everyone going off on various trips around the world to write down any interesting quotes you might pick up from fellow Sloanies as they party in Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, New Zealand, Australia and the like and send it to us at Overheard. Any damning pictures are always welcome.
Thanks to everyone who bought us drinks and made us happy in 2003. Here's to the new year where I will hopefullly get you all back.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Just watched Old School. I figure so many people (read: guys) reference this movie that I might as well figure out what they're all talking about. The funny/sad thing was that while the friend I was watching this with was laughing in the remembering-my-college-days sort of way, I was laughing in the this-just-happened-to-me-last-semester way. Ah, the wonders of business school.
To wit:
- beer bong at an overcrowded house party, check.
- underaged women at the same house party, check (ok, I exaggerate - they were undergrads)
- disco ball and crazy dancing at house parties, check.
- futon beds, check.
- weak 4 a.m. pick up lines at house parties, check.
Thank god we've managed to avoid streaking and the KY jelly wrestling. Other people might not be of the same opinion, but that's another reason why Sloan's *such* a diverse place.
To wit:
- beer bong at an overcrowded house party, check.
- underaged women at the same house party, check (ok, I exaggerate - they were undergrads)
- disco ball and crazy dancing at house parties, check.
- futon beds, check.
- weak 4 a.m. pick up lines at house parties, check.
Thank god we've managed to avoid streaking and the KY jelly wrestling. Other people might not be of the same opinion, but that's another reason why Sloan's *such* a diverse place.
"Stop skipping, you are not the Rockettes."
"I was on a nationally competitive precision skating team. We won competitions and stuff."
"Ok, maybe *you* can be a Rockette."
"Wow, at Sloan all these people keep coming out of the woodwork."
-Michelle and Matt Z. talking to competitive-skater-in-a-former-life Courtney
Walking to the after-party from Harvard Gardens at 2 am
"I was on a nationally competitive precision skating team. We won competitions and stuff."
"Ok, maybe *you* can be a Rockette."
"Wow, at Sloan all these people keep coming out of the woodwork."
-Michelle and Matt Z. talking to competitive-skater-in-a-former-life Courtney
Walking to the after-party from Harvard Gardens at 2 am
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
The True Price of Christmas. It's $65K this year! More than poor graduate students can afford. Good research though - I need some comparables.
One more final for the finance folks then it's happy holidays for everyone!
One more final for the finance folks then it's happy holidays for everyone!
A KINDER GENTLER REVOLT. From our Beacon Hill correspondent Mike I.:
In the spirit of the holidays...we would like to suggest that there is enough spare liver capacity at MIT Sloan to have large joyful turnouts at both the BHP and this Wednesday's revolt headquarters:
Harvard Gardens Tonight!
Wed. 9:30 pm
This establishment has been strategically chosen to be 'just around the corner' from the BHP.
Perhaps, you are too uptight to enjoy the BHP atmosphere. Then come to the Gardens. Drink until your finicky nose will no longer notice the stench of dirty floors, until your eyes can't distinguish between two hot babes and two male Sloanies playing Golden Tee--then hop over to join the other 1/2 at the BHP.
Perhaps, you long for the days of $2 beers and frat parties. Then go to the BHP. Drink cheap PBR's until you can't tell the difference between a $1 bill and a $10 bill, until you no longer have the urge to strangle snobby preppies in Cardigan sweaters--then hop over to frolic with your Sloan buddies at the Gardens.
The holidays are a time for joy and unity. A time when lovers of dive bars and lovers of upscale lounges can love one another. Won't you join us for this final Sloan celebration this Wednesday?
In the spirit of the holidays...we would like to suggest that there is enough spare liver capacity at MIT Sloan to have large joyful turnouts at both the BHP and this Wednesday's revolt headquarters:
Harvard Gardens Tonight!
Wed. 9:30 pm
This establishment has been strategically chosen to be 'just around the corner' from the BHP.
Perhaps, you are too uptight to enjoy the BHP atmosphere. Then come to the Gardens. Drink until your finicky nose will no longer notice the stench of dirty floors, until your eyes can't distinguish between two hot babes and two male Sloanies playing Golden Tee--then hop over to join the other 1/2 at the BHP.
Perhaps, you long for the days of $2 beers and frat parties. Then go to the BHP. Drink cheap PBR's until you can't tell the difference between a $1 bill and a $10 bill, until you no longer have the urge to strangle snobby preppies in Cardigan sweaters--then hop over to frolic with your Sloan buddies at the Gardens.
The holidays are a time for joy and unity. A time when lovers of dive bars and lovers of upscale lounges can love one another. Won't you join us for this final Sloan celebration this Wednesday?
Monday, December 15, 2003
Searching for an Overhear Editor for SIP. A lot of us will be out of the country for January (Chile, Australia, etc.) and we're looking for someone to take over the site while we are away. Just update it with Sloan activities, put up the overheard quotes, you know the deal. The blogger interface is pretty easy to use. And now's your chance to let off some steam.
If you want this site to be yours for the month of Jan., email us at michelle@sloan - you know the drill. The only requirements are a good ear and sharp tongue.
If you want this site to be yours for the month of Jan., email us at michelle@sloan - you know the drill. The only requirements are a good ear and sharp tongue.
Talent Show pictures.
Can be found on the U drive under Talent Show (thanks Manuel!)
You can also get Christina Pan's pics from here.
Send more pics this way!
Also, while we recognize a lot of the inside jokes might have gone over the head of the first years, rest assured that you will have all the time in the world at next year's talent show to have your own jokes that the next class won't get either. (yes, we are being snarky today).
Good luck with finals!
Can be found on the U drive under Talent Show (thanks Manuel!)
You can also get Christina Pan's pics from here.
Send more pics this way!
Also, while we recognize a lot of the inside jokes might have gone over the head of the first years, rest assured that you will have all the time in the world at next year's talent show to have your own jokes that the next class won't get either. (yes, we are being snarky today).
Good luck with finals!
Saturday, December 13, 2003
Thanks to everyone for coming and special shout-outs to Kenny and Julia for all the hard work they put into production, Stella for putting the first year acts on our radar and Sara and Tara for pulling off the miracle of Kresge! Pictures are floating around everywhere so we'd love it if the photographers for the night could upload the files to the U drive to share. Send us links!
Moments of the night:
...Kenny getting busted on by Marcus and Lakshmi.
"Kenny can't please anyone."
"Uhm, Lakshmi, it's everyone. Kenny can't please everyone."
"But it says here in the script, Kenny can't please anyone."
...The audience suddenly getting sentimental at the E52's rendition of Billy Joel's And So It Goes
...JR, Tolu and Sara all getting hosed by first-years' Lia and Elliot
...Schanker as the cell phone guy - hilarious!
..."We are up here today as part of Sloan's commitment to affirmative action." - Marcus and Lakshmi, talent show hosts.
...Kitty Womack, First Year Challenge
...Sloan rappers breaking it down, the dancers: guys with their bling and the girls with their ties and Beyonce moves
..."It's On!"
...Deputy Dawg Paul Osterman pulling a fast one and "rapping" onstage. As for his dialogue, you thought he wouldn't go there, but he did. You gotta love the deputy dean.
...John Chao letting loose with a kick-ass guitar solo on Bridge Over Troubled Water of all things.
...in fact, all the bands with all their damn talent was pretty amazing. You guys were tight!
...and to end the night, a cream pie in Marcus' face from the much maligned Kenny. Woohoo! As you can see from the pictures, they kissed and made up at the after-party.
It was awesome. Actual talent at a Sloan talent show. Who woulda thunk it.
the talent show production team smiling at last ::: the audience goes wild ::: nothing says professional like an upright bass.
Thanks to everyone for coming and special shout-outs to Kenny and Julia for all the hard work they put into production, Stella for putting the first year acts on our radar and Sara and Tara for pulling off the miracle of Kresge! Pictures are floating around everywhere so we'd love it if the photographers for the night could upload the files to the U drive to share. Send us links!
Moments of the night:
...Kenny getting busted on by Marcus and Lakshmi.
"Kenny can't please anyone."
"Uhm, Lakshmi, it's everyone. Kenny can't please everyone."
"But it says here in the script, Kenny can't please anyone."
...The audience suddenly getting sentimental at the E52's rendition of Billy Joel's And So It Goes
...JR, Tolu and Sara all getting hosed by first-years' Lia and Elliot
...Schanker as the cell phone guy - hilarious!
..."We are up here today as part of Sloan's commitment to affirmative action." - Marcus and Lakshmi, talent show hosts.
...Kitty Womack, First Year Challenge
...Sloan rappers breaking it down, the dancers: guys with their bling and the girls with their ties and Beyonce moves
..."It's On!"
...Deputy Dawg Paul Osterman pulling a fast one and "rapping" onstage. As for his dialogue, you thought he wouldn't go there, but he did. You gotta love the deputy dean.
...John Chao letting loose with a kick-ass guitar solo on Bridge Over Troubled Water of all things.
...in fact, all the bands with all their damn talent was pretty amazing. You guys were tight!
...and to end the night, a cream pie in Marcus' face from the much maligned Kenny. Woohoo! As you can see from the pictures, they kissed and made up at the after-party.
It was awesome. Actual talent at a Sloan talent show. Who woulda thunk it.

the talent show production team smiling at last ::: the audience goes wild ::: nothing says professional like an upright bass.
"I have to go to the lab tomorrow and get some mice to ejaculate."
"Yeah, my husband works as a mouse fluffer."
"It's the humane thing to do, rather than slice them open and squeeze it out."
"Squeeze it out?"
"We give them some viagra and then..."
"Wow, you must have some really happy mice at your lab."
"They're going to their mouse buddies, "I don't know what happened. I just woke up and there it was!"
"It's only a minor part of my work but it's the most discussed at all the parties I go to."
"I wonder why."
-Lak, Patrick, Manny and Kim
over after-talent-show pizza at Cinderalla's
"I have to go to the lab tomorrow and get some mice to ejaculate."
"Yeah, my husband works as a mouse fluffer."
"It's the humane thing to do, rather than slice them open and squeeze it out."
"Squeeze it out?"
"We give them some viagra and then..."
"Wow, you must have some really happy mice at your lab."
"They're going to their mouse buddies, "I don't know what happened. I just woke up and there it was!"
"It's only a minor part of my work but it's the most discussed at all the parties I go to."
"I wonder why."
-Lak, Patrick, Manny and Kim
over after-talent-show pizza at Cinderalla's
Thursday, December 11, 2003
::::::::: TALENT SHOW TOMORROW, DEC 12 ::::::::::::
The last C-function of the season with open bar, good appetizers (bigger budget for the food for this one) and your classmates making great fools of themselves for you - what more can you ask for? Show up and have fun and let loose before finals begin next week. C-function is 6 pm tomorrow at KRESGE AUDITORIUM. Show starts at 8 pm. It'll be short and sweet and fun, so come already.
The last C-function of the season with open bar, good appetizers (bigger budget for the food for this one) and your classmates making great fools of themselves for you - what more can you ask for? Show up and have fun and let loose before finals begin next week. C-function is 6 pm tomorrow at KRESGE AUDITORIUM. Show starts at 8 pm. It'll be short and sweet and fun, so come already.
CHILI COOK-OFF IN THE AFTERNOON. Get your appetites ready and cast your votes. This afternoon at Diebold lounge, the premiere chili chefs of Sloan are coming together to feed their classmates and win the bragging rights to Best Chili In Town. This event is sponsored by the Tasting Club with their catchy slogan, Food is Life, so live a little. Now, overheard has other things it might want to substitute for food in that little phrase, but we'll leave that to your imagination.
MARTINIS AT THE GOOD LIFE. Chill out with some live music and the warm, red walls and plush seats of the Good Life at Central Square. Party starts at 9:30 pm and goes on till they kick us out of the place at 2.
MARTINIS AT THE GOOD LIFE. Chill out with some live music and the warm, red walls and plush seats of the Good Life at Central Square. Party starts at 9:30 pm and goes on till they kick us out of the place at 2.
Career choices
"With someone of your stature... you could be a ninja!"
"Great, now where can I get an internship for that?"
-Jeb and Michelle
on career options after business school
Say that again?
"Thanks for coming."
-Ron Chiu
as Leonardo Da Vinci in the Acting for MBA's class
A guy's opinion
"Anyone can marry a rock."
-Todd Schwartz
on the ridiculousness of ginormous diamond engagement rings.
"With someone of your stature... you could be a ninja!"
"Great, now where can I get an internship for that?"
-Jeb and Michelle
on career options after business school
Say that again?
"Thanks for coming."
-Ron Chiu
as Leonardo Da Vinci in the Acting for MBA's class
A guy's opinion
"Anyone can marry a rock."
-Todd Schwartz
on the ridiculousness of ginormous diamond engagement rings.
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
BRYAN'S FAREWELL PARTY TONIGHT. Another person leaving us in the cold Boston winter for warm and sunny San Diego. West Coast seems to be the top pick for Sloanies on the run. The fact that you have to drive everywhere seems to not be a deterrent at all.
As quoted in the Bryan Buljat goodbye party invite:
So - let's celebrate the fact he is leaving...I mean let's celebrate his graduation by throwing him a party!
WHEN: 8pm - whenever - i.e. he leaves the next morning so let's make sure he's wasted on the plane.
WHERE: The Cactus Club 939 Boylston Street near the Hynes Convention Center T - for a taste of San Diego margaritas, Boston style...so Bryan can put them down, of course.
Everyone moving to warmer climes, please have a spot in your guest bedrooms for us. No couches, you have all that space in the West Coast!
As quoted in the Bryan Buljat goodbye party invite:
So - let's celebrate the fact he is leaving...I mean let's celebrate his graduation by throwing him a party!
WHEN: 8pm - whenever - i.e. he leaves the next morning so let's make sure he's wasted on the plane.
WHERE: The Cactus Club 939 Boylston Street near the Hynes Convention Center T - for a taste of San Diego margaritas, Boston style...so Bryan can put them down, of course.
Everyone moving to warmer climes, please have a spot in your guest bedrooms for us. No couches, you have all that space in the West Coast!
FREQUENT UPDATES. Some people have mentioned that I should update this site more. My reply would be that this is everyone's site and y'all just need to give me some material and you'll find it uploaded in a wink.
So, send me your overheard quotes, your funny pictures, your events and parties and we'll post it on this site for the public's viewing pleasure. I'm also looking for a first-year to co-edit this site, shoot me an e-mail - you can look me up at the MIT directory.
So, send me your overheard quotes, your funny pictures, your events and parties and we'll post it on this site for the public's viewing pleasure. I'm also looking for a first-year to co-edit this site, shoot me an e-mail - you can look me up at the MIT directory.
THE THINGS WE DO FOR CHARITY. An auction of promises was held at Tommy Doyle's yesterday, the whole event gamely organized by the Caribbean ocean. Over $7,000 raised for charity (a woman's shelter at that) and fun had all around.
We want to know what lucky (read: desperate, well-off and obviously now grinning-from-ear-to-ear) guy bid $275 for a date with 3 women dressed as Charlie's Angels. Also, $605 for a 2 hour study session for *five* people? Now, for one person, we would understand. Some intimate interaction for all your DMD study needs.
There was heckling, there were cheers, there was an opera singer and a certain Katie who got auctioned twice! Can't wait to see what they'll have in store for next year.
We want to know what lucky (read: desperate, well-off and obviously now grinning-from-ear-to-ear) guy bid $275 for a date with 3 women dressed as Charlie's Angels. Also, $605 for a 2 hour study session for *five* people? Now, for one person, we would understand. Some intimate interaction for all your DMD study needs.
There was heckling, there were cheers, there was an opera singer and a certain Katie who got auctioned twice! Can't wait to see what they'll have in store for next year.
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Monday, December 08, 2003
GOODBYE GEOFF! Seattle's a-calling and Geoffrey Arone can't wait to say farewell to snowstorms and cold weather. Come to the Asgard tonight (Central Square near Sidney & Pacific) at 9:30 and give him a kiss on the cheek goodbye - or buy him a beer, either works.
Geoff at B-School and back in the day when he was a bad ass college kid in a rock band.
He's still a bad-ass but he hides it well. We'll miss you buddy!
Geoff at B-School and back in the day when he was a bad ass college kid in a rock band.

He's still a bad-ass but he hides it well. We'll miss you buddy!
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
DISNEY'S BREAK-UP LETTER. Michael Eisner, you broke my heart. Or so Roy Disney says. He also upends the cliched lines and says, 'Yes, this time honey, it was really you, not me."
Monday, December 01, 2003
FSA IS DRIVING ME CRAZY. Back from Iceland for Thanksgiving holiday and straight into FSA overnight cramming. Our sympathies go out to all the groups doing their FSA project tonight. Drinks after all this is over, to celebrate! On second thought, I think what we all need is sleep.
"Just call me the excel-Nazi."
FSA all-nighters at E51
"Just call me the excel-Nazi."
FSA all-nighters at E51
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